Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween party

I had no idea what I got myself into when I said "YES!" to a student to who asked for a Halloween Party. Heck, I'm all for sharing a holiday that celebrates freaks and creeps! But Halloween can a spooky thing when you're planning a party that will be attend by anywhere from 8 to more than 200 college students!

Just like in the scary stories I shared with my classes this week, party prep went horribly wrong. My site mate got called to Chengdu for PC duty :(. Then the administration said I couldn't use the big activities room and instead assigned me a lecture hall, due to which I had to scrap some of the games I had planned. Then the computer in that room wouldn't play any of my Halloween movies. It was turning into a nightmare.......

Until the Magnificent 7 saved the day.
The members: Yedda, Kathy, Rose, Olivia, Sandy, Izzy and Lily.
All of them are my students, and all of them are wonderful.

Lily's got guanxi, Yedda's a computer whiz, Kathy knows where to buy the necessary supplies. Sandy, Izzy, Rose and Olivia have pointed out things I overlooked, things I wouldn't have known to prepare for if not for their advice. The best thing is that they're all so willing to help. :)

I was going to treat them to dinner tomorrow to thank them, but then they asked to cook for me. Hah! I hope I didn't agree too quickly! So tomorrow, they're making jiaozi at my place.

I am still looking for game ideas, but so far I have 4:
Pumpkin bowling
Chubby Bunny
Footloose Balloon Pop
Balloon Squat Relay

Hopefully everyone will get a chance to play. Winners will get prizes - trick-or-treat bags, sent by Mom, stuffed with candy.

Also,there will be a costume contest IF students dress up, I will show "Hocus Pocus" IF (big, big IF!) the computer and projector work, and there will be popcorn for all IF Kathy can help me find some in Fuling tomorrow. I'm trying not to let all these IFs spook me!


  1. Hi! I found your blog through the Peace Corps Journals! I actually just interviewed for the Peace Corps this morning! I,too, studied abroad in China, and am interested in going back and teaching english! I just had a few questions about your experience there so far! If you have time, feel free to email me!!
    Excited to hear from you!!

  2. Sadly our Halloween party was canceled due to the flu. Best of luck with yours!
