Thursday, September 24, 2009

xiuxi no more!

HO brah it's been a long time since I've written on here (and sadly, it's been just as long since I've used pidgin.) I won't waste blogospace listing my lame excuses, of which I have too many. Instead, let me simply declare that the xiuxi-ing is officially pau! In other words, da break stay ovah. :)

I've been in Lidu - a tiny farming community just a little ways from the famed River Town - for about a month now. It's gritty, remote and the weather is temperamental, but this is all part of what makes Lidu so charming. I love Lidu with a fierce loyalty, and in my mind, it rivals only Hilo, which, strangely, is also gritty, remote and plauged by temperamental weather. ... Perhaps I am also gritty, remote and temperamental? Hmm.

Ah shucks, I must end this now because my site mate and I are off to judge an English speech contest titled "Science Intelligent or Culture Smart." Our adorable students say they are just as confused about the title as we are, so we'll see how the contest goes! :D


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