When most of the students arrived, Kathy welcomed everyone and told them she had a special guest: Barack Obama. I walked in with my Obama mask, and the crowd went wild. Believe me, I am plenty vain enough to have thoroughly enjoyed that brief moment of superstar status. And I definitely did stand and wave for a full minute before delivering my presidential message.
After I was done basking in Obama's glory, we started the games. They were a mess, as the contestants either did not understand the directions, or chose to ignore them. I doubt the former, for I'm sure Kathy did a great job translating my instructions into Chinese. Regardless, the games were fun and the crowd seemed to enjoy them. During one of the balloon popping relay games, in which the point was to blow up a balloon and then pop it by sitting on it, one of the plastic stools broke, sending a contested hurtling onto the floor. The audience sure loved that, and luckily the girl was unhurt.
Once the games were through, we passed out popcorn to everyone. Yes, all of the 200 guests got popcorn. I bought a ton the day before in Fuling and spent a good part of the afternoon popping them, so you can imagine how thrilled I was that there were enough people to eat it all. Then I showed "Twilight," mostly because Edward is hot, and also because there were supposed to be Chinese subtitles. But as always happens in my classes, the computer system failed me and I could only get the English subtitles to work. So in the end, I lost about half of my guests. The ones who were stayed were those of my students most dedicated to mastering English, and I have a feeling that they stayed only because they didn't want to hurt my feelings by leaving. Or because Edward is really hot. :P
All in all, I would say the party was a success, but I am so, so glad that it's over with. Organizing an event is stressful when you lack guanxi and the ability to communicate directly with key people. In time, though, I'm sure it'll get easier.
Here's some pics:
edward is the opposite of hot, kinda the same way the twilight books are the opposite of literature. how come my comments here always makes me sound like such a huge hater?
(unfortunately i've read all the books...most people in my office love them so i wanted to see what the hype was about...)